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Student Withdrawal

Please complete this withdrawal form if you are moving outside the Buckalew zone.

Withdrawal Formpdf

New Student Registration

All new student registration must be completed online through the CISD Enrollment Website (Enrollment & Transfers–Conroe ISD). Please fill out the online application and upload required documents listed below into the Family Portal:

  • Birth Certificate of Student
  • Social Security of Student
  • Proof of Residence – Submit one of the following:
    • A fully executed lease or sales contract (all pages of the main document, signed and dated by all parties)
    • A recent Utility Bill (Water, Gas or Electric Bill), within 30 days of online registration submission date. Must show the Service Address or Meter Location and one of the parent/guardian’s names showing as Customer
  • Parent/Guardian’s Photo ID – valid driver license, state ID or passport
  • School Records – most recent report card and withdrawal papers from previous school

If you are unable to upload some of the documents in the Family Portal, please take a picture or scan and email them to Lizabeth Pena, our school registrar, at

After your application is complete and submitted, the registrar will contact you.


Kindergarten: Students must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, of the current school year to be eligible to enroll for Kindergarten. Per the TEA (Texas Education Agency), we are unable to offer any competency testing if your child does not meet the age requirement.

First Grade: If your 1st grader has not completed Kindergarten in a public school, they are required to be 6 years of age on or before September 1, of the current school year.

Transferring within CISD: If you are transferring from another CISD school, you DO NOT need to register online. Send in your proof of residency in our school zone by emailing Lizabeth Pena at

Pre-Kindergarten: Your child must be 4 years of age on or before September 1, of the current school year to enroll for Pre-Kindergarten. This program is only available to those who qualify based on:

  • Limited English Proficiency
  • Homeless
  • Parent is Active, Injured or Deceased Member of the Armed Forces
  • Educationally Disadvantaged
  • Receiving Medicaid Assistance
  • Foster Child Placement through CPS
  • Eligible for Star of Texas Award

For those applying based on Limited English Proficiency, a verbal test will be administered once all registration requirement has been submitted.

The registration and determination of eligibility takes place at Buckalew; however, the actual Pre-Kindergarten classes are held at Deretchin Elementary. Bus transportation is provided. This is a full day program.

Required Immunizationspdf

Buckalew Registrar